Strategies To Roulette

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The Fibonacci Roulette Strategy. This roulette strategy is one of the safest ones in the game. If you are an extremely conservative player, look no further! Look out for 'casinos near me' and implement this strategy. The Fibonacci roulette strategy is based on the famous Fibonacci numbers – a sequence of numbers that is the sum of the two. Roulette Strategies. When it comes to roulette tips to win there are basic rules you should follow – such as never bet more than you can afford to lose and don't chase losses. And don't expect to learn how to win at roulette every time. But if you use some of these roulette tips to win you might be able to minimise your losses. One of the most famous and widely used roulette strategies – the Martingale system – is a great example of a progressive strategy. Martingale suggests that you double your bet after every loss. This method is popular because it's very straightforward and newbie-friendly. Fibonacci Strategy. With the Fibonacci roulette strategy you will need to remember or just reference to a sequence of numbers: 1 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 5 – 8 – 13 – 21 – 34 – 55 – 89 – 144 – 233 – 377 – 610 – 987. The rules are simple.

When the British writer Jan Fleming was developing the features of his famous character, James Bond, the author decided that he should be the best gambler at MI6. Bond is incredible at playing an old aristocratic game called Baccarat. In 'Casino Royale,' the Crown's best Agent plays Texas Hold'em poker. Besides this, he is a master of roulette and never misses a chance to demonstrate it.

The image of James Bond at the roulette table has long ago become iconic. Agent 007 plays recklessly while drinking expensive alcohol, surrounded by astonished players. But are his victories really attributed to pure luck?

When playing roulette, Bond uses a specific strategy that now bears his name. So, what is the James Bond roulette strategy?

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Strategies To Roulette Games

How Does the Bond Strategy Work?

According to the Bondiana books and movies, Agent 007 develops his betting system to turn the odds of the roulette wheel in his favor. So, what is unique about this strategy, and how does it work?

Like many other systems, Bond's roulette strategy has the Martingale method as its basis. Essentially, its goal is to cover as much of the roulette wheel as possible, aiming for one of three profitable scenarios.

To enter the game and follow the strategy of Bond himself, you will need:

  • some good alcohol (especially bourbon)
  • an expensive suit
  • 200 dollars

While the first two ingredients are a tribute to the image, the latter one is a must. To play the roulette the 'Bond way,' you will have to distribute the $200 as follows:

  1. Bet $140 on high numbers (19-36)
  2. Wager $50 on low numbers (13-18)
  3. Bet $10 on zero

As a result, if a high number comes out (19-36), your profit will be equal to 80 dollars. If the number drops slightly lower (13-18), you will take $100 of net profit with you from the casino. And in case you get zero, then – congratulations – you become the happy owner of 160 dollars!

It is worth saying that this system does not guarantee profit because it is quite possible for numbers from 1 to 12 to come out. If you are wondering what Bond would do in this case, here is the answer: Agent 007 would use the Martingale progression and double his bets.

The Martingale Strategy

This betting system was developed by John Henry Martingale more than 200 years ago. He owned several gaming establishments in London and openly talked about his strategy, which subsequently led to bankruptcy, as some casino visitors began to apply this scheme.

The Martingale system is famous for its versatility since the approach is suitable for various gambling methods and in almost all sports.

The Martingale system is one of the most common roulette strategies. The essence of the method is in doubling the bet after every loss. As a rule, the player should wager on equally probable outcomes: red or black fields, as well as on even or odd numbers.

The probability of winning at these rates is slightly less than 50% since there are times when zero comes out. Thus, the idea behind a double increase in bets on the Martingale system is that it should lead to a win of the initial bet and the return of all previous losses.

The classic version of the Martingale gaming strategy implies a double increase in bets on losses. If the wager is won, then the player must return to the original size of the bet.

Does Combining Strategies Increase the Chances of Winning?

Typically, Mr. Bond's roulette strategy has flat betting at its core. This means that no matter if the player wins or loses, the wagering amount stays the same for every round. Nevertheless, in an attempt to overcome the house edge, gamblers often try to combine Agent 007's strategy with progressive betting. Apart from the Martingale system mentioned before, players also use Fibonacci, D'Alembert, or Labouchere systems to improve their odds.

The logic when combining different strategies is that you get a chance to win back what you lost and earn more. Progressive wagering makes perfect sense, but no approach guarantees a win in roulette. The Fibonacci and D'Alembert strategies have a less aggressive progression than the Martingale.

Nevertheless, their successful implementation would still require a decent budget in case of a poor run. Here are a few words about other strategies you can combine with the James Bond roulette system.

Fibonacci Progressive Betting System

This strategy includes Fibonacci numbers, which is a sequence where the next number you get is equal to the sum of the two previous ones. It is practically infinite and has its application in mathematics and science. There are even amazing examples of its presence in nature, like in the shape of a shell, for instance.

The simplest example of the Fibonacci sequence is 1 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 5 – 8 – 13 – 21 – 34 – 55 – 89 – 144 – 233 – 377 – 610 – 987.

For roulette wagering, there is no need to start with 1. You can begin the sequence with any bet that you like if you follow its logic, such as in 5 + 8 = 13, 8 + 13 = 21, and so on. Note, however, that it is highly advisable to start with the lowest possible wager.

One of the advantages of this system is that you can stay in the black even when losing more bets than you win. The downwards progression is less drastic, as is the case with the Martingale strategy. It provides a 50% chance of winning, which makes the Fibonacci system a suitable addition for the attempt to raise the James Bond roulette strategy odds.

D'Alembert Betting Strategy

The D'Alembert wagering system is one more possible option in case a player wants to switch from flat betting of the James Bond roulette strategy to a progressive one. The main idea of this system is that after losing, you should bet more than you lost at the previous bet.

Applying this system to roulette (with bets on equal chances), you must increase the stake after each loss, and reduce the bet after winning.

The disadvantage of this system is the same as in Martingale. There is always a chance of a long series of losing spins, as a result of which you may lose your game capital or reach the upper limit of bets.

Can a Beginner Use the James Bond Strategy?

The James Bond roulette strategy odds rely on column bets. If you are not familiar with standard roulette bets, the simplest way to understand how it works is as follows.

  • You can wager on numbers in the field or bet on special fields that cover 12 numbers, for example, the first column includes the numbers: 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28, 31, and 34.
  • The probability of any of these numbers falling out is 12 out of 37, paying a bet of 2 to 1, so if you bet 1 dollar and win, you get 2 dollars plus your wager, which is equal to 3.

To play according to Mr. Bond's system, you need to bet on two columns at the same time and make sure to bet on zero.

This strategy is not complicated but is somewhat risky, as, with it, you can either quickly earn in case of luck or lose the entire wager in the worst-case scenario. Therefore, you need to determine your budget in advance. Figure out how much winnings you will be satisfied with. Also, make sure you have enough funds for the Martingale progression in case of a streak of failures.

For beginners, it is highly advisable to test how the strategy works in free online roulette games before you play for real money.

Will the James Bond Strategy Improve my Odds of Winning?

The James Bond strategy works. However, there are several conditions:

  • You should have a big bankroll that will allow you to increase the rate in case of prolonged losing series.
  • Play only in casinos that do not set a maximum limit for bets (no table limit).

If these two components are present, the Martingale system can become ruinous for a casino. Otherwise, the strategy will be ineffective for the player himself. In practice, you can often meet participants who are ready to participate in long sessions. However, the casinos deliberately set limits on bets, typically allowing an increase of no more than seven times in a row.

Besides this, there is one more unofficial condition that will raise your odds: get lucky. Absurd as it may sound, roulette is a game of chances, and the outcome of the game is always random. The ball can fall into any pocket on the wheel. Thus, there is a total of 37 possibilities.

Agent 007's strategy is to cover two-thirds of the possibilities, which is 25 slots. It, of course, improves the player's chances of winning. If you want to increase our chances even more, try your luck with the James Bond American roulette strategy. In this case, the same rules apply.

However, the chances of a bet winning are higher, as the American version of the roulette has two zeros in comparison to the European edition.

What are the Risks When Using the Bond Strategy?

It may initially seem as if the James Bond strategy roulette system gives you nearly guaranteed chances of winning since you have 67.5% of the betting table covered. The truth, based on the laws of probability, is that you will be earning a lot more than you lose within an extended period of time.

The downside is, however, that any of the possible single-time wins would be smaller than a potential losing spin. After all, if the result of the outcome is between 1 and 12, it is a lost round. Statistically, the probability of the numbers that were not covered coming out is still quite high.

Thus, if your bankroll is not sufficient, you can run out of funds after more than one consecutive losing spin when using a Martingale betting strategy. In case you do not have a big budget for the session, it is worth to consider playing without increasing the wagering amount.

Nevertheless, the Agent 007's system typically is efficient for short sessions. There is a chance to have a series of winning spins in a row that allows you to gain a reasonable sum. However, there is always a different chance of encountering several losses one after another, which is when many players decide to introduce a progressive betting strategy.

James Bond Roulette Strategy Summary

All in all, the roulette strategy of James Bond is an excellent legendary technique that is fun to use from time to time, as long as you are aware of its pros and cons. What makes it even more interesting is its flexibility. If you are an experienced player who mastered the classic James Bond strategy, you might want to experiment with it. Here are some of the ways you could adjust the system depending on the situation:

  • It is possible to switch the high numbers wager to the low numbers and move the double street bet up the table.
  • Placing a bet on zero is not a must if you have your eye on a different empty number.
  • You can try to customize it using positive and negative wagering strategies.
  • In case of a proper course of the game, you may consider adjusting the wager sizes for a possibility to get even a higher return.

The Agent's gambling strategy is worth a try. However, realistically speaking, you likely won't break the bank unless you manage to hit an incredible series of winning spins. Typically, the odds are in casinos' favor, and even covering two-thirds of the table cannot guarantee that luck will be on your side.

No betting system is flawless, and yet some of them are exceptionally fun to try. The method of Mr. Bond is an excellent example that managed to become a living legend and tribute to the Crown's top-secret agent.

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Considering it's been around for hundreds of years, it's no surprise that many people have attempted to come up with various betting systems and betting strategies for the game of Roulette.

I've tried them all and I love them – they always make the game of Roulette that much more exciting. Every time I head out to a casino or load one up in my web browser, I'm always debating what betting system to use next. Monks can into space mac os. It's fun, and if you stick with a betting system you will not make silly mistakes.

Important Note: None of these Strategies Will Help you Win at Roulette. Really there's no way to actually WIN at Roulette – the casino always wins. You should use these more for fun anyway or to help give the illusion that you're winning.

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That's the good thing about a system – the casinos make most of their money from impulsive bets. How often have you heard that bets will be closing and watch people go mental splashing chips around? That's why you should stick with a betting system; to keep you restrained and from making those silly impulsive mistakes.

Read through these articles and pick a betting system that will work for you:

Aggressive d'Alembert Betting System: Like the d'Alembert Betting System, except has an aggressive approach to the progressive betting side to it. Go big or go home.

Anti-Martingale Betting System: The complete opposite of the martingale, although using the same fundamentals. Rather than doubling your bet on a loss, you double it on a win. A fun progressive betting system that is simple to use.

Base Two Betting System: This is a famous progressive betting system which also doesn't have the risk of the Martingale if things go wrong. It uses two separate wager sizes and betting on 1:1 payouts such as red/black, odd/even or columns.

Best High Risk Roulette Strategies: Looking for some high risk/reward roulette strategies? I outline the best ones here.

Bet On Black Betting System: Wesley Snipes, is that you? This is an interesting betting system which is progressive but has a gradual incline to the wagering amount.

Black Snake Roulette Betting System: Get your minds out of the gutter – the black snake is a betting system for roulette involving betting 24 numbers.

Charting The Wheel Betting System: One of the first roulette systems, made famous back in the 19th century. Not the type of thing that will work these days, but still worth reading about.

Column Betting System: As you can imagine, this system is based on the columns within roulette. It is a relatively simple betting strategy used purely for betting on the columns. I recommend playing this one on European Roulette tables.

Contra D'Alembert Betting System: This is a variation of the very popular D'Alembert Betting System. It's the complete opposite of it, and quite the interesting betting system to use.

Covering The Table Betting System: Based on European roulette, it's a fun strategy involving covering 35 numbers on the table. I also cover variations you can make with the system based on American Roulette and less unit betting.

D'Alembert Betting System: Created by French mathematician Jean-Baptise le Rond d'Alembert, this is also known as the Pyramid betting system. This is a fun betting system, although is based purely on Gambler's Fallacy.

Dopey Betting System: This system was made famous due to the book by Andres Martinez, where he provided detail about the Dopey Betting System, an experimental roulette betting system.

Double Street Quad Strategy: This is a very interesting strategy which involves a betting pattern on two double streets, along with a quad or corner.

Don't Bet The Top Line: This strategy in roulette involves not betting the top line and dives into that.

Dozen Based Triple Martingale Betting System: Like many betting systems for Roulette, it's the Martingale with a twist. It focuses on the 'dozen' bets that you can make, and the progressions in betting you make are higher. Triple your initial stake.

Fibonacci Betting System: Taken from the Fibonacci Sequence from back in the 13th century, the Fibonacci Betting System is a very simple progressive betting to use, based on increments of the 2 prior numbers you bet with.

Fibonacci vs Reverse Fibonacci: In this article I compare the fibonacci and reverse fibonacci systems and break down the difference between them.

Five Quad Strategy: The Five Quad Strategy is similar to the Double Street Quad System but requires you to bet five quads while playing roulette.

Flat Betting System: The most commonly used betting system out there and the easiest for people to do. It's a low risk strategy, and I cover a lot of different ways you can use this betting system.

Grand Martingale Betting System: The Grand Martingale Betting System is essentially the Martingale Betting System, except with a different amount of bet increments you should make. There are a couple of variations to it that I cover in this article.

Guetting Betting System: Thanks to Charlies Guetting, the French Mathematician, comes this rather complicated 4 level progressive betting system.

Hollandish Betting System: The Hollandish system is an interesting negative progressive system much like the Labouchere and the Martingale.

Identifying A Roulette Dealer Signature: I first thought about this topic when a dealer actually explained it to me – how she can generally control the area the ball goes to by when she throws it in and how shes throws it in. There's a lot of interesting stuff about that and this is one article I highly recommend reading.

In Red We Trust Betting System: This is one of my favourite betting systems. It can be rather complex and is PERFECT for the action junkie. Only thing better than action? Well at least when it comes to Roulette – controlled action.

Inside Bet Betting System: This betting system is focused on the inside bets you can make in roulette, and you will need to have a strong understanding of all of the available inside bets.

James Bond Roulette System: A break down of the famous James Bond Roulette System.

Kavouras Bet: Kavouras Roulette Betting System is a very interesting one that appears chaotic but is a lot of fun. I like to use it a lot when playing.

Labouchere Betting System: This is a progressive betting system that is very popular at the Roulette tables. It's based on setting aims such as the amount you wish to win or lose, and playing towards that. Golden lion online casino. It uses sequences and is rather complex, but when you have it figured out it is a lot of fun and one I use often at the roulette tables.


Laws of the Third Betting System: This betting system is a betting system you can ONLY use for Roulette. It relies on the 'laws of the third' whereas in 36 spins, 12 numbers won't appear.

Low Risk Betting Strategy: Discussion and thesis about the best low risk betting strategy to play roulette with.

Lucky Numbers Betting System: Yeah you should know what this is – basically betting your lucky numbers. A nice simple betting system but we explain how to use it in more detail.

Martingale Betting System: The most popular betting system of all times, created over 250 years ago in France you've probably used this betting system without even knowing it.

Martingale Doubling Betting System: This is essentially the Martingale Betting System, but as I get a lot of requests from people to explain the 'Martingale Doubling Betting System' I wrote a separate article with a slightly different take.

Mini Roulette Odds: In this article I go into the math of Mini Roulette and the odds and house edge.

Mini Roulette Strategy: Mini Roulette is a popular varation of roulette which has just 13 spaces with the numbers from 0-12. In this article I discuss the ideal mini roulette strategy. Dream of vegas slots.

Numbers Betting System: This is probably one of the more obscure betting systems out there. It's quite complex and requires a bit of work so be sure to be familiar with Roulette before attempting the Numbers Betting System.

Red Snake Betting System: A comprehensive guide to the Red Snake Roulette Betting System. What it is and how it works.

Oscar's Grind Betting System: This is, as the name suggests, a 'grind'. It's focused on winning 1 unit at a time and I cover exactly how it works within this article.

Parlay Betting System: North Americans will know what a parlay is – anyone outside of USA or Canada – it's more a combo, or an accumulator in sports betting terms. You can use this system at Roulette amazingly enough, and it's quite the fun betting system.

Paroli Betting System: A progressive betting system that is relatively simple – increasing your unit amount when you win.

Pattern Betting System: This is a classic betting system found at roulette, based on betting on three different sectors within the Roulette Wheel.

Strategies To Roulette

Pyramid Betting System: Also known as the D'Alembert Betting System, it's one of the most popular betting system for beginner players next to the Martingale system.

Red Roulette Betting System: Red Roulette is an interesting betting system focused on betting on a specific colour.

Strategies To Win At Roulette

Reverse D'Alembert Betting System: Now we get into the 'reverse' betting systems – where it is basically the betting system in reverse. This is a neat one.

Reverse Fibonacci Betting System: Using the Fibonacci Sequence, the Reverse Fibonacci Betting System is an intriguing betting system although rather complicated. I explain how to use it here.

Reverse Martingale Betting System: This is the exact same as the Anti-Martingale Betting System. Most people know them by both variations so we have two separate articles with a different perspective covering both.

Reverse Sleeper System Halloween slot games. : This is a progressive system involving doubling the bet after each win.

The Shotwell System: Introduced in 1978 in Gambling Times Magazine, The Shotwell System is an interesting system which uses one out of seven betting number combinations.

Free slots williams interactive. Six Pack Plus System: A relatively new system involving making a single double street bet and then three dozens bets.

Single Repeats Betting System: This is one of my favourite betting systems – you basically follow the numbers one at a time. So you sit out the first spin and then bet the number that just won. Then you bet the next number that just won – and keep on going until you win, and you increase the units based on winning.

Sleeper System: The roulette sleeper system is based on betting the sleeping numbers – the ones that haven't came up yet.

Super Martingale Betting System: If you're a fan of the Martingale Betting System, then you'll want to check out the Super Martingale Betting System that really is an interesting take on the Martingale.

Whittaker Betting System: Similar to the Fibonacci, this is a negative progression betting system.

Roulette Betting Strategy

Worst Bets in Roulette: In this article I cover the worst possible bets to make in roulette. A great article for beginners.

Expected Values in Roulette: In this article I look into the expected values within Roulette.

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